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From Little Molehills

Confusion rears its head; a little doubt
grows quickly as we think about the worst.
If fed, it expands before thought out,
with calm reason or some fact finding first.

A molehill? Oh, no, it couldn't be,
and still loom so large, engrossing thought.
A mountain, an impossibility.
In a dilemma huge, it seems we're caught.

But, take a look, with drama set aside,
even, for a smile, search if you can.
It might not be such a bumpy ride,
or tragedy, if fantasy we ban.

Just stand back and look, not quite so high,
without the benefit of more expanse,
of clearing of the bias of the eye,
instead of blocked behind, maybe advance.

Think, if all the molehills were so large,
and grew up with such rapidity.
If terrain, like our minds, would then take charge,
what a mountainous country this would be.

©10/31/2016 Carol Welch
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